Rahm’s new Chief of Staff a woman without children who hosts dinner parties

Accodording to the Sun Times, Rahm’s new chief of staff is the “smart and thick skinned” Theresa Mintle. In addition to the flattering descriptions as  a “well-organized workaholic” Sun Times felt the need to further delve into Mintle’s personal life by voicing an opinion on her personal decision to not have children.

“She is married to architect Mike Toolis, chairman and CEO of VOA Associates. The couple have no children, which is probably a good thing, given the 24/7 job that Mintle is inheriting.”

The article also commented on her ability to host dinner parties and give her girlfriends the “tough love” advice they need.

In addition to being patronizing, the Sun Times article is completely irrelevant to Mintle’s new position. The article is just another piece of evidence showing how the media needs to catch up and realize women in leadership positions have more of a story than their children and dinner parties.

Read the full article here.

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